by David Davenport | Jun 7, 2021 | References
Torkkola wind power station Arcteq’s AQ 300 and AQ 200 series protection and control IEDs and AQ 100 arc protection systems are protecting the wind power collector station in Torkkola on the West Coast of Finland. All Arcteq IEDs communicate to a Siemens PAS...
by David Davenport | Feb 18, 2021 | References
Arcteq has supplied more than 250 pieces of AQ 100 arc protection units and 800 arc light sensors to provide a fully selective arc protection solution to Prunéřov EPR II power station medium voltage switchgear. The Prunéřov Power Stations are the largest fossil power...
by David Davenport | Feb 18, 2021 | References
The joint project involving three substations is an impressive demonstration of the successful collaboration between Arcteq and VEO. Arcteq designs and develops protection and control products for electricity distribution and transmission networks, while VEO provides...
by David Davenport | Feb 18, 2021 | References
Arcteq supplies the Norwegian Island Drilling Company through our new partner Mongstad TavleTeknikk with AQ 100 arc flash protection system, including a high-end re-usable arc quenching device on an offshore drilling rig. The oil rig is constantly positioned by...
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